Free On-Demand Masterclass:


How to Handle Your Child’s Behavior With Simple, Lasting Approaches That Decrease Conflict, Foster Cooperation, and Increase Daily Positive Interactions, While Being a Respected Leader in Your Home 

Feeling frustrated from trying just about every approach with your child and nothing’s worked?  Tired of using reward charts and punishments but you’re still struggling?  Feeling like something is just not working and you’re brand new to exploring a change? 

You’re in the right place!  

It’s not your fault if you’ve struggled and haven’t seen lasting change.  You just didn’t have the right information to work with.

The truth - You don’t have to sacrifice your leadership to keep the peace in your household, nor be a drill sergeant in order to maintain order in your home.  

In this free training, you’re going to hear things you’ve never heard before.  

Get the simple approaches that will allow you real, lasting peace, ease, and patience in your parenting, and a close and loving relationship with your child.  

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • How to access more patience with your child in the moment, without learning more calming tools like stress balls and breathing techniques, needing more willpower, or needing to be a calm parent.

    Find out why the way you’re doing it is actually extremely draining to your energy, and what the key is to having lasting patience with your child.

  • How to restore peace, trust, respect, and connection with your child without shouting, threats, lecturing, timeouts, bribes, coming up with consequences, or repeating yourself a million times.  

    Learn what it is your kids really need in order to be more cooperative.

  • How to break the cycle of reactive or passive parenting and finally feel confident in how you are showing up for your child, without always worrying if you are doing more harm than good.

    Have the breakthrough you need in order to stop repeating those fear-based parenting behaviors that don’t actually feel good for you or your child, and start allowing your parenting to be simple.  

Meet Your Parenting Coach

Hi!  I’m Christina Carter, creator of Intu It Parenting and Wellness, and parent-child relationship expert since 2014, helping parents improve their relationship with their kids. 

As a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach, I’ve helped thousands of parents drastically increase connection and daily positive interactions with their kids, helping them understand their kids better, communicate better, and restore peace, ease, patience, trust, confidence, respect, and joy in their parenting.

Not only do I have a Masters Degree in Psychology and a degree in Neuroscience, I also have my own published research study on the parent-child relationship, been featured in magazines, been on TV, been on podcasts, and host talks, school and parent trainings, and workshops for kids.

Knowing what kids need because I was that “difficult, strong-willed, sensitive” child, understanding what a developing brain needs most in order to thrive from my graduate studies, and understanding what parents value most, I have the tools to connect a parent and child, so that parents and children can have a close, loving, and lasting relationship. 

Here is what a few parents have to say about their training experience:

Jeff D.

THANK YOU for your program.  Just wow.  It's been 2 weeks since I started making some small changes with my son, and we are not fighting nearly as much.  I can't believe it.  I really see things in a new, better way.  And it's actually improving our relationship.  Really looking forward to continuing.  This was a great decision for our family.

Marissa P.

YAAAASSSS!  It starts with US!!!  Healing our inner child from our own emotional traumas (because we all inevitably have them!) is the best gift we could give our children, grandchildren, and so on!  <3 <3 so good Christina!

April A.

I am finally getting to enjoy my little girl’s personality now that we’ve connected and have hardly had any negative interactions… and she’s so cute!

Rikki R.

This parenting approach is very supportive and non-shaming; it made me feel more connected and accepting of myself as a parent with struggles who simply wants to do better. This course provides real tools, real examples and creative ideas centered around authenticity and unconditional love.
Small shifts in my approach to parenting have made a significant impact on my family and the overall vibe in our home. I’m a much better communicator, a more attentive listener and a more compassionate parent thanks to Christina’s training.

Gina P.

This course is in-depth and supportive.  I am forever grateful.  I have so much more patience and understanding.  And a big change I notice now is that one of my granddaughters, who has ADHD, is not so explosive.  Her body is physically more calm when she is upset about something.  Both my grandkids come to me now when they're upset, and they are definitely more resilient.  I can't believe me doing this work has made such an impact on THEM.  Grateful for you.  

Claudia C.

I cannot thank you enough for helping me and Charlie.  Seriously this was life changing.  The tools and perspective are soo good.  You just might have saved us.  You are amazing and I am so thankful for your help.  THANK YOU

Ready to learn more? Click here!

What You'll Recieve


What You'll Recieve -

  • Personal guidance with twice-monthly virtual coaching calls

Because questions, and your particular blocks, will inevitably come up in this process, I’m offering 1-hour live Zoom coaching calls every other week for the 5-month duration of the program.  So that you will never feel stuck, lost, or alone as you grow through this process.  Because, let’s face it, there is nothing like getting 1:1 personalized, professional guidance when you’re facing your challenges and making lasting change like this.  And, they will be recorded, so they’ll be available to you to go back and access at any point during the 5-month program.  


  • Support and feedback from the student-only Facebook group

Because we all innately do better when we have support, I included access to a Facebook community for participating parents that they can utilize for the duration of the program (which is 5 months), so that parents can share their challenges, receive support and solutions from other real parents, and offer experience and encouragement for different points in their journey.  So you won’t ever have to feel alone or isolated on this journey, or wonder if you’re the only one going through a particular challenge.

  • Lifetime access

Because parents have busy lives, and things change with each growing child, I’m giving you access to the material for life.  So you can have it forever.  To go back at any time and rework different topics in a way that applies most to your current parenting situation at the time.  So you won’t ever have to wonder ‘what was that framework or strategy again?’  Or, ‘What do I do in this scenario again?’”.  You will be able to access it as much as you need. 

  • 23 additional bonus courses, procedures, strategies, and exercises.

#1: Active and Reflective Listening procedure.  Where you’ll learn the basics of ‘being’ with your child for more daily connection.

#2: Need for Control mini course.  The why behind our desire for control and what to do about it.

#3: Working with your Attachment Style lessons.  The ‘upsides’ to your particular attachment style so you don’t have to fight against it but instead use it to help you.

#4: Writing your Coherent Narrative exercises.  The 4-step highly therapeutic process of making sense of your past.

#5: The Polyvagal System mini course.  A basic breakdown of the 3 stages of the nervous system, and how to soundly return to a sense of safety no matter the state of your NS.

#6: Strengthening the Vagus Nerve.  Where you’ll learn exercises that strengthen the communication between the brain and the gut, so that you can return to a state of calm more regularly, and be able to access peace and patience more often with your child.

#7: Anchoring framework.  The 6-step process to use in any stressful parenting situation that helps us return to a state of inner security and be able to show up better for our children.

#8: Harbor framework.  The 6-step process to use to co-regulate with your child and help their nervous system feel a sense of safety.

#9: Scripts for rupture and repair.  Suggestions for language and phrases to use with your child when there has been harm or disconnection, that land with your child and help them to be receptive for reconnection.

#10: Core Limiting Beliefs procedure.  Identifying our fundamental blocks and faulty ways of coping that are associated with pain and fear, that prevent us from fully being present, where you will learn how to soften and resolve these limiting beliefs and identify more constructive and supportive beliefs rooted in truth and reality.

#11: Feel framework. A 4-step process that helps you get comfortable with feeling your emotions without wanting to hide or run away.

#12: The Soothe framework.  A 6-step procedure you can use with your child that fosters calm and connection, leading to greater cooperation and problem-solving.

#13: Empowered Conversation step-by-step strategy.  A 10-step procedure that aids in having powerful, productive communication with your child, so that each person is heard, and each person’s needs are honored.

#14: What Type of Angry Are You reflection course.  Identifying the specifics of your relationship with anger so that you can work with it and allow it to help you meet your needs constructively.

#15: Discovering Your Play Language mini course.  Exploring what type of play you feel most comfortable with and why, and how you can blend this with your child’s play language.

#16: 5-Phase Therapeutic Story process.  A fun framework for telling stories simply and powerfully - effective for any parent.

#17: Empathy Scripts and Practices.  The words and language to use, as well as ways of developing more empathy, that foster closeness and connection with your child.

#18: Values and Strengths reflection process.  Identifying your current values, and not just ideals, along with your character strengths, and how this benefits the way you parent.

#19: Self-Empathy process.  Steps for self-understanding and self-forgiveness so that you are able to access more creativity, connection, and joy in your parenting.

#20: 5-Step Conflict Resolution practice.  A go-to step-by-step guide for any scenario of conflict with your child that peacefully resolves disagreement and promotes connection beyond the scenario.

#21: Empowered Conversation scripts and exercises.  How to speak and listen to your child or partner to create deeper acknowledgement, understanding, and win-win scenarios.

#22: 3-Step Empathy for Anger process.  Working with anger by pairing it with the skills of empathy so that we can use anger productively.

#23: Healthy Aggression practices and prevention exercises.  Ways to express and release anger that are satisfying and safe.

So… What’s All of This Worth?

  • 10 comprehensive modules: $4,970

  • 10 training videos and reflection workbooks: $2,970

  • Twice-monthly live group coaching calls: $397 each, $3,970 for the 5-month program

  • Lifetime access to all the materials: Priceless

  • Student-only Facebook group: Priceless

  • 23 additional program bonuses: $297 each, $6,831 total

  • Total value: $18,741

  • But, that’s not what you’ll pay.

  • Program pay-in-full: (value $18,807- cross through this) $2,997

  • Program payment plan: (value $18,807- cross through this) 4 monthly payments: $799

Let’s Get Started!